Fuel Injection Gasket Kit

Fuel Injection Gasket Kit


Gasket kits are conveniently packaged in sets to give the technician ease and convenience – these sets come ready with the required gaskets you may require for your work. There are many types of gaskets made from a wide range of materials, including cellulose fiber gaskets, rubber gaskets, rubber bonded cork gaskets, and more. With conveniently packaged gasket repair kit sets, these can help you save both time and money!


Are you repairing a leaking injector or diesel pump?

Replace wear and tear parts with our branded gasket kits!


We stock a wide range of fuel injection gasket kits, repair kits, and overhaul kits, so that you have the flexibility in getting the items that you will actually require – no need for spending on unnecessary parts! Whether you require complete Spaco overhaul kits, Dipaco gasket kits, Bosch seal sets, or other repair kits, do reach out to us! If you require individual parts, we are additionally well stocked with the smallest of washers and orings, so as to comprehensively serve your diesel fuel injection needs.


We are a trusted supplier to leading fuel injection workshops

Buy genuine gasket kits to ensure the perfect seal! 


Sealand Turbo-Diesel Asia is a trusted supplier to fuel injection specialist workshops all over the world. We not just strive to be price-competitive, but we also aim to have a very comprehensive range of gasket and repair kits. We are well stocked so that you don’t have to!

If you require high-quality gasket kits at competitive prices, do reach out to us and we will be most happy to assist. Whether you will like bulk orders of gasket kits or whether you just need a set or two for your just-in-time needs, we are here with the spare parts you require for the repair and maintenance of fuel injection components.

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